The Albums tab includes albums you create yourself and albums that are created for you, depending on how you use Photos. For example, videos you take are automatically added to the Videos album.
If you use iCloud Photo Library, all your photos in iCloud are in the All Photos album. Otherwise, you see the Camera Roll album, which includes photos and videos you took with iPhone and from other sources.
Note: If you use iCloud Photo Library, albums are stored in iCloud and are up to date and accessible on any iOS 8.1 or later device, Mac with OS X Yosemite v10.10.3 or later, and on iCloud using the same Apple ID.
Create a new album. Tap Albums, tap , enter a name, then tap Save. Select photos and videos to add to the album, then tap Done.
Add items to an existing album. While viewing thumbnails, tap Select, select items, tap Add To, then select the album.
Manage albums. While viewing your album list, tap Edit.
Rename an album: Select the album, then enter a new name.
Rearrange albums: Drag
Delete an album: Tap
With iCloud Photo Library, you can manage all your albums from any iOS 8.1 or later device set up with iCloud Photo Library.
Mark your favorites. While viewing a photo or video, tap to automatically add it to the Favorites album. A photo or video can be part of another album as well as Favorites.
Hide photos or videos you want to keep but not show. While viewing thumbnails, tap Select, then select the photos or videos you want to hide. Tap , then tap Hide. The photos or videos are moved to the Hidden album.
Note: Photos or videos are hidden from Moments, Collections, and Years, but are still visible in Albums.
Remove a photo or video from an album. Tap the photo or video, tap , then tap Delete Photo. The photo or video is removed from the album and from the Photos tab.
Delete a photo or video from Photos. Tap the Photos tab, tap the photo or video, tap , then tap Delete Photo or Delete Video. Deleted photos and videos are kept in the Recently Deleted album on iPhone, with a badge showing the remaining days until the item is permanently removed from iPhone. To delete the photo or video permanently before the days expire, tap the item, tap Delete, then tap Delete Photo or Delete Video. If you use iCloud Photo Library, deleted photos and videos are permanently removed from all your devices using iCloud Photo Library with the same Apple ID.
Recover a deleted photo or video. In the Recently Deleted album, tap the photo or video, tap Recover, then tap Recover Photo or Recover Video to move the item to the Camera Roll or, if you use iCloud Photo Library, the All Photos album.