Today, we're going to be looking at how to configure your Android phone's date and time settings. Normally, your Android phone will automatically acquire time and date settings from your cellular network. However, there is a way to set these manually.


Tutorial Notes

· From the home screen, tap the menu key and hit Settings.

· Scroll down and tap Date & time. By default, you'll see the box beside Automatic checked. Uncheck this box and you'll see the options below open up.

· Tap Set date and you'll be able to change the month, day or year.

· Tap Select time zone and you'll be able to pick your time zone from a long list of locales.

· Tap Set time and you'll be able to change the time by hour or minute, or switch between AM and PM. Also, you can tap the box beside Use 24-hour format to switch to military time.

· Below that, you can change what order the day, month and year are displayed.