Perhaps unsurprisingly, one of the top things that people use their phones for is waking them up in the morning. Since Android phones can do pretty well anything, acting as an alarm clock isn't much of a challenge. In this tutorial, we'll not only show you how to create an alarm on your Android phone, we'll also show you how to create multiple alarms and tweak alarm settings.
Tutorial Notes
· Open the Clock application. Now, tap the icon that looks like an alarm clock.
· Tap Add alarm to create a new alarm. Set the time when you want your alarm to go off. Tap Set when done.
· You'll now have some options to customize this alarm. Toggle the alarm on or off with the Turn alarm on button. If you tap Time, you can change the alarm time. Tap Repeat and you'll be able to select which days you want your alarm to repeat.
· Tap Ringtone and, depending on your installed apps, you'll be prompted to select which app you want to choose a chime from. Tap OK.
· Check the box beside Vibrate if you want your phone to vibrate when the alarm goes off. Tap Label and you'll be able to give your alarm a name.
· Lastly, tap Done to finalize your choices, tap Revert to undo any changes you might have made or tap Delete to delete the alarm completely.
· You can add multiple alarms if you'd like, and easily toggle which alarms are active by tapping the alarm icon.