The following steps are intended for the majority of Samsung devices running Android software. 

There are two exceptions:

1. The Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus require different instructions which can be found here.

2. Samsung Feature phones may require different instructions, however, we recommend trying the steps below before moving on.

The first thing you will need to do is ensure that 3G/LTE data, voice, and text messaging are all working properly on your device (that is, if you have an LTE device).

To do this, a Carrier Wipe, a Profile update, and a PRL update are required. Please follow the steps below. For a number of these updates you'll need your Master Subsidy Lock (MSL). 

1. Carrier Wipe

Note: A Galaxy Note II (2) running Android 4.3 may reset to factory defaults after a carrier reset. Back up your device first!

1. Disable WiFi and enable data (link Coming Soon) (some LTE devices do not require this) 

2. Open the dialer 

3. Dial # # 72786 # 

4. Enter your Master Subsidy Lock (MSL)* if prompted 

5. Touch "OK", phone will restart 

*The "MSL" is a six-digit code provided to you by Madstar Mobile in your activation email

2. Profile Update

1. Disable WiFi and enable data

Note: some LTE devices do not require this

2. Touch the “Application” icon

3. Touch “Settings”

4. Touch “System Update” (depending on the device the System Update option may be in the About Phone menu or on the More tab)

5. Touch "Update Profile". The device will restart when complete



3. PRL Update

1. Disable WiFi and enable data (some LTE devices do not require this) 

2. Touch the “Application” icon 

3. Touch “Settings” 

4. Touch “System updates" (depending on the device the System Update option may be in the 'About Phone' menu or on the 'More' tab) 

5. Touch “Update PRL”. Wait for the PRL update to complete, then touch “OK”. Your device may restart after the PRL update. If not, please restart your device. 

6. Once your device restarts, 3G/LTE data, voice, and text messaging should be enabled 


4G WiMax Settings

Once your Samsung device is confirmed to be activated and you have voice, text messaging and 3G data working, if you have 4G LTE data, no further action is required. Otherwise, you will need to manually program your 4G WiMax settings to be able to access 4G data speeds.

1. Open the dialer 

2. Dial # #3282# (# #DATA#) 

3. Touch "View" 

4. Touch "WiMax" 

5. Enter your MSL (a six-digit code provided to you by Madstar Mobile in your activation email) and touch "Ok" 

6. Touch "Realm" 

7. Press the hardware menu button (The page button located on handset in the bottom left corner of the device) 

8. Touch “Write RLM” 

9. Save and restart phone 


Once the phone restarts, assuming you are in a 4G capable area, you should be able to use 4G data. If you encounter problems during this process, some additional configuration may be necessary. Please take a look at the steps outlined here. If you have tried all the options and are still having problems, get in touch.